So I started my Onewheel obsession during the 2020 when stores and most indoor activities were closed. It was time for a new outdoor hobby. At the time, I never rode a Onewheel and the only ones for sale were the Onewheel Pint and XR. As a new rider at that time, I wasn’t too concerned with range and I was on a budget so I sprung for a Pint. After about 4 months, I wanted more range and I had to have an XR. Within that year, the GT came out and I couldn’t resist.
The Onewheel GT essentially is Future Motion’s response to the Onewheel community’s modifications being done to the XR. They added an incredible range and comfort. If you are a rider seeking that floating experience with an incredible range and added comfort, the Onewheel GT is for you.
This GT review is how my Onewheel obsession progressed from owning a Pint to every board Future Motion has made since and what I’ve learned in the process. As a father of two children, never in my life would I have thought I would have been addicted to the feeling of floating on trails. From my journey, I have adapted and preferred to ride my GT over my other boards.
My Thoughts On The GT After a Year of Riding

When the GT was marketed I was in the process of converting my XR to a JWXR (CBXR range Onewheel). At the time, I had been avidly trail riding my XR and wanted that extra range.
When you start out, you think that having up to 18 mile range is decent, but how quickly that goes when your on trails having fun. For maximum range I had to build a JWXR to avoid that dreaded range anxiety
When the GT was issued I still had to have it even though I already built my XR with a copper edition JW battery giving me more range than a GT. The GT has up to 32 mile range which is still incredible and I bounce between both boards. After a year, I probably ride my JWXR 50% of the time. Both are different feels so practicing on each is important to me. The Onewheel GT dimensions are relatively similar to the XR.

The GT just looks more polished. I had sold my Pint because how slow and low the range was on it but I did like how it was built and how it looked. The GT has that same polished look.
I personally like the top footpad sensor indicator (lightbar). I like the composite bezels. Being that the GT is built like a large Pint, I had to have it. I also fell in love with the concave footpads, but that was about it. Other than that I wanted that added power.
The huge benefit is the GT sensor. When you step on the sensor, the motor just engages so fluid-like. The XR engagement is more click-like. There’s more of an audible engagement from the XR model where the GT just gets powered up and is ready to go.
The Added GT Power – 3 HP
The GT motor puts out a max voltage of 75 volts and 63 nominal volts of power. This is in comparison to the 54 volts within the XR. The larger watt hours of the GT battery and the 30 amp continual discharge makes the GT just a more powerful board than the XR. Stepping on and off the XR and the GT, the power is very noticeable. Its most notable on a fully charged board.
While the advertised top speeds only vary by 1 mph, since the firmware update I am able to push the board a little over the top speed limit easier than I can the XR. There is a handful of riders that are able to send the board into speeds over 30mph (“the over 30 club”) so we know this Onewheel has the potential for more if you are daring enough to try it. For this reason, the GT has been growing on me.
The Firmware Updates and the Recall Debacle
I never experienced ghosting so the recall did not impact me however it was a concern on the back of my mind. My XR front sensor was never sensitive enough so having the GT’s super sensitive sensor was a plus for me (luckily I didn’t have the ghosting or I would have probably hated it). What I initially did not like about the GT was how poorly it did on trails. Any chunky trails or small drops, the tail would frequently drag if it lost contact with the ground. The controller was not tuned like the XR controller. It was decent in loose terrain but anywhere that it lost contact with the ground – instant tail drag.
In the spring of 2022, Future Motion drastically improved the ride feel by issuing their firmware update (CASSIOPEIA) version 6100 (6.1) – what a huge improvement. This solved much of the tail drag I was experiencing and has since ridden similar to my XR. Before this issue, I was seriously prepared to sell the GT. Especially riding prior models, I can anticipate how Onewheels handle certain terrains. The original GT firmware was a wild card and shook my riding confidence. Fortunately however, since the firmware update, the board rides solid.
The only real gripe I still have is that getting use to the GT means getting use to a slightly taller (top-heavy) ride. As of yet, I do not have any custom rails. A pair of WTF’s for the Onewheel GT would definitely solve this so I am looking forward for them to be available. If you are trail riding with an XR, you will notice that the GT stands a little taller on the footpads and isn’t as resilient on trails as the XR. Still the XR 6.0″ hub feels a little better due to that added sidewall height. You can always swap the hub for an XR and make a GTR. Personally I’m not ready to make that leap.
For the riders that did have sensor issues, Future Motion made somewhat of an acceptable recall. They provided new sensors which did fix the problem. The Consumer Safety Product Commission (CPSC) didnt even specify the sensors, they just had a gripe with Onewheels in general so I guess Future Motion really didn’t need to offer more since they had no real guidance on what their concern was.
The GT Footpads

The GT has gripper grip tape over the XR which I love. Its a chunky grit. I’m in absolute love with the dual concave footpads are slightly wider which completely immerses my foot. Its a huge help with foot fatigue. The battery lightbar is a little bright bright but I love it. The tough love here is that I have fell in love with the composite bezels and trim. Many old-school riders like that hobby-kit look to the Onewheel that the XR had when the metal rails met the wooden footpads.
Now that the footpads are completely plastic components, the hobby / DIY look of the Onewheel is gone. The lines are very tight and it looks and feels more rugged than my XR.
I Finally Got Used To the GT Tire

If you are not coming from an XR then you may not notice the ride feel. The GT and the prior XR model have the same overall tire height of 11.5″ but it is more rounded and has a smaller sidewall height (overall 0.5″ difference). The tire feels more like a Pint in that its more rounded. The XR Vega tire is very flat making it a chinch to balance at a resting stop. The rounded GT tire takes a little more practice but it handles turns better because of its roundness.
This tire is rough on the knees. I want to say its completely attributed to the larger hub size which makes the tire sidewall smaller. While it only being a 0.5 inch difference, a half inch is a huge difference when you consider the overall tire sidewall height (2.5″ each side of the tire plus the hub equals 11.5″). 0.5 inches from a 5″ total sidewall height is 10%. The GT shaves 10% of its sidewall for hub space. This honestly makes the ride more rigid.

Lowering tire pressure is what I have to still do to get the tire to feel right. I constantly run low PSI (about 8% of my weight) and will continue to do so until I pick up the GOAT tire.
GT Does Have This ‘Locked-in’ Feeling That I Don’t Get On My XR
While I installed front and rear concave pads on my JWXR, it does not feel as “locked in” as the GT does when the motor engages. Its too hard for me to calculate but my body says that the motor on the GT kicks in faster and is more responsive than the XR. I absolutely love the wider footpads of the GT. I also am a huge fan of the double concave pads. It feels like a more secure ride than any Onewheel I’ve owned.
Land Surf has issued a new Platysense pair of footpads for the XR that appear to be very similar to the GT pads so it’s feasible to get a similar width and dual concave feel but that instant motor engagement isn’t the same. The GT engagement has zero lag and instantly is ready to ride. Side note: I will Platysense footpads widen the XR’s footpads and makes it feel as similar to the GT as you can get.
Digital Shaping 3.0 and The New App
The only real difference here is that there are new riding profiles for the GT. The dimmable headlights is great. 500 lumens now comes standard on the GT and its almost too bright for street riding. Its a great improvement to be able to dim the lights. One HUGH advantage is that custom shaping is available for Digital Shaping 3.0. This has far more tweaking abilities than the prior Digital Shaping 2.0.
The new app is as limiting as my later version XR. There is no ability to view much of the diagnostic components that used to be available on older Onewheels. Sadly, this is unlikely to change however with Floatwheel’s Adv launch, some of the market will likely shift to VESC boards because of the ability to repair and modify your Onewheel. The Onewheel GT is extremely limited on what can be modified (tires, footpads and rails – no battery mods).
The Future is Onewheel GT
I am now as comfortable with my GT as my JWXR. The future of the sport I feel will belong to GT within the Onewheel space. This will be especially true for one wheel racing. XR aftermarket is slowing down and all Future Motion sanctioned events focus on the GT. I purposely specify this as “Onewheel space” because I can see the VESC scene growing significantly. Especially that many VESC components are built around the XR platform, some of the dying XR’s will transform into VESC controlled Onewheels. In regards to the total marketspace however, its a long road for VESC to eclipse Onewheel sales so its for this reason I believe that the Onewheel GT will dominate the self-balancing skateboard market for many years to come.

I personally have had no major issues with my GT other than the tail dragging. Its a great board yet after a year I still find myself more often riding my JWXR. I love them both. If I had to recommend one, I’d probably go with a CBXR or JWXR board if you can find a decent one. Otherwise, a GT is where I’d head.
But is a Onewheel GT worth it?
Whether you are in a city, suburbia or a rural area, lets get the answer out to you quickly – yes its worth it. I started with the Pint and quickly I realized that the Pint does not have an adequate top speed. Often I found myself hitting pushback. I wanted more range and speed so I bought an XR. I then became obsessed with trail riding. I needed more range so I converted my XR to a JXWR. Future Motion then releases the Onewheel GT board and it had everything I built in one board. At this point I had to buy the new Onewheel GT to see if it was any better than my JWXR. The short answer is riding a Onewheel years later, the joy and amusement I get from just random parts of a commute or trail ride are priceless.
Lets first talk about their price in comparison to other E-skate products. The Onewheel GT is lined up around the same price as a well-equipped Evolve skateboard which similarly can go off-road. Now the Evolve boards have more power however they ride like a longboard. Both offer a similar range however Onewheel riding truly feels like you’re floating so the concession made here is a little less top speed and power for floating ANYWHERE. If you are not ready for Onewheel then check on competing off-road electric skateboards. The range of terrain that the Onewheel has however is unrivaled in the e-skate arena.
This is because of the huge advantage the Onewheel has. It has a massive 10.5″ to 11.5″ go-kart tire. This large tire will let you go off-road where many e-skateboards cannot or would struggle greatly. On top of that, you get that float effect. Cameron Ridge Media made a video on this float effect.
Its addicting, and this ‘float feeling’ on trails is something you will not get on other boards. however you do not necessarily need the GT to get this feeling.
If you are looking for a cheap way to get around, there are cheaper and less fun ways to commute around the city or neighborhood. If you are looking for an experience to lift your mood while commuting or if you’re looking for a device you can carry with you into a coffee shop, subway or into the office then the Onewheel GT is for you.
To convince my wife to buy another Onewheel, I showed her how green they are. Per mile, they are very affordable. I made a calculator to calculate the costs per mile to ride a onewheel. If you are in the city and paying for buses, subways or some form of transit any PEV will save you fare money in that regard but the major win for all Onewheel’s is how simple it is to carry it. You don’t need a pickup truck to bring it somewhere. You don’t need to lock it up on a bike rack. Now the GT does weight 36lbs (16kgs) so if this is too much to carry, then perhaps a 23lb (10.4kg) Pint is your speed. I outline below the GT vs each prior model that is available.
Onewheel GT vs a CBXR / JWXR
I wont say that my JWXR or my GT is better than the other. More that they are different feels. I get about the same performance torque on my JWXR as my GT but with a slightly further range (can reach up to 40 miles). The GT however is just more refined. Its built like a larger version of the Pint in that it has a higher degree of water resistance, it has more composite parts (no more wood footpads), sensor lightbar, simplestop is included and treaded tires are standard. My JWXR is waterproof and I installed a custom treaded tire so essentially the boards are very similar however they do ride a little differently. Here is the comparison of a CBXR or JWXR vs a GT:
Category | CBXR / JWXR | Onewheel GT | Winner |
Weight | 28.4lbs(stock XR is 27lbs) (12.8kg) | 36lbs (16.3kg) | JWXR / CBXR |
Advertised top speed | 19 mph (30.5 km/h) | 20 mph (32 km/h) | GT |
Advertised range | Up to 40 miles (64 km) | Up to 32 miles (64 km) | JWXR / CBXR |
Hub size | 6″ hub (standard go-kart size) | 6.5″ hub (proprietary) | JWXR / CBXR |
Water Resistance | Less if not waterproofed | higher degree of resistance | GT |
Headlights & Taillights | Classic LEDs – 150 Lumens | Improved / Dimmable LEDs – 500 Lumens | GT |
Footpads | Modifiable however only flat upon purchase | Concave, flat kick | GT |
Grip tape | Grippy | Grippier | GT |
Battery Status LED | Have to watch the power button | On footpad | GT |
Cost | Can only buy used – Cheaper to build | Pricey (Over $2,000) | JWXR / CBXR |
Modifiable | Yes | Limited | JWXR / CBXR |
In totality, while the table is relatively split between the two, the GT offers a slight advantage as it does have a slightly higher top speed, its slightly faster and no modifications are needed (its ready to go). Many riders (such as myself) prefer the ride comfort of the XR platform. The XR has a slightly higher sidewall due to the 6″ tire hub so the ride has a little more cushion.
If it came down to either, which should you get? Get an CBXR or JWXR if the miles on the battery are low. Get a CBXR/JWXR if you want a board that you can turn into a VESC wheel later. Go with a CBXR/JWXR, if you want to buy similar performance at a lower price point. Got with a CBXR/JWXR if you already own an XR.
Go with a GT if you have the money and see yourself riding these for awhile. Go with GT if you cant be bothered with modifying a Onewheel.
Overall winner in this category in my opinion is a CBXR or JWXR One wheel board IF you are already an owner of an XR. If you are coming in to Onewheel and you can’t find a good used XR, get the GT.
GT vs. Pint
So as I said I started with a traditonal Pint and the top speed pushback bothered me so much, I immediately upgraded to an XR for the added top speed and range. Shortly after, they discontinued the XR (mid-2022) and introduced Pint X and GT.
The only reasons I would advise anyone to get a Pint is if they are buying for a child, they are on a budget or if they plan on taking a trip on an airplane with a Onewheel. The original Pint is the last Onewheel to meet the battery capacity limits for flying. If this isn’t your situation and you want to avoid purchasing every board as I did, I would skip over the Pint. You can modify some Pints to take a battery modification but since the Pint X is available, there really is no need.
GT vs. Pint X
Pint X was introduced at the same time the GT was. The Pint X has the same size battery as the prior XR model. You will not get the same range as the GT however the Pint X is a worthy trail board and is great if you are looking for something compact. I would only chose a Pint X over a GT if either of these options were a concern:
- Budget (about an $800 difference)
- You want a smaller lighter board. (13 lbs / 6kg) lighter.
- You want a stunt board to play around with
- You want to have a back-up Onewheel for a friend or when your Onewheel dies out on a ride
The Pint X will not perform as well as a GT on trails (or street for that matter) due to the speed limit (18 compared to 20mph) however the weight and size is notable so depending on the situation, the Pint X could be a better purchase.
GT vs. XR
The Onewheel GT outperforms the Onewheel XR in range, speed and power. The only advantage to an XR is the comfort of ride. Both have the same tire height however the sidewall on the XR is a 1/2 inch larger giving just a slightly better ride. Because the GT comes standard with concave footpads, this could be a draw regarding ride comfort.
The XR will not outperform any specs of the GT unless its converted into a JWXR/CBXR Onewheel. You also can no longer purchase a new XR as they were discontinued in mid-2022. The only reason I would see purchasing a used XR would be for the saving and to convert it to a CBXR. If the decision solely rest on budget then a used GT may be a better buy than an XR if you dont anticipate modifying the XR.
Summary of the Onewheel GT Compared to Prior Models
The above discussion does not cover the V1 or the Plus model Onewheel because the stats are so far superior to these. Future Motion has progressively improved the performance of their One wheels since their first board (see the Onewheel GT specs). In the end, it comes down to if you are comfortable buying used or not.
Some riders do not like the idea of buying a used Onewheel as their safety is reliant on the board. Buying a used one sketches some people out so if this is you then the XR, CBXR market is completely off the table. The Pint X is a great little ripper that has adequate range for riding trails however it will not outperform the GT.
What is your budget, if you are interested in the GT and can afford it then get it. Avoid having to buy the Pint X only to resell it and then buying a GT. If you just want to test a board out, you can always rent a Onewheel. Many Onewheel GT reviews often discuss the differences between the XR and the GT. If you are a new rider, you wont be able to compare. Starting on a new board may be easier and you may be better off for it. There’s been a few Onewheel GT firmware versions released. Make sure when you ride that you do have the latest one as it has made the board more enjoyable to ride.
Please check out our Onewheel GT Specs page for more info and known problems / issues. Remember to always gear up even if you decide to buy a stock / brand new board.
Yes a Onewheel GT outperforms a standard XR in range and speed. The GT has a nominal higher top speed of 20mph compared to the XR’s 19mph. The battery range is notably superior. Onewheel GT can go 20 to 32 mi opposed to an XR that is rated for 12 to 18 miles.
The Onewheel GT has an advertised speed of 20 mph (32km/h). This can be exceeded by riding through pushback. Riding through pushback runs the risk of nose diving.
If compared to another new Onewheel that is currently available – yes. If comparing used onewheels, an older XR offers more for the price point. Comparing Onewheel GT to other e-skateboards depends on feel of ride. Its worth the money if you want all-terrain and float-feeling capabilities.
During the pandemic, I was an avid runner. I ran at least 5 miles a day. Now being currently addicted to my Onewheel, my ride time has cut into my running time. Onewheeling is a decent workout however it will not replace traditional aerobic workouts. It is a moderate workout that hits the quads, calves and torso region.
This is a loaded question. Many things in life are better than a Onewheel however within the e-skate world, few boards can offer the same experience you get on a Onewheel. Onewheels are not the fastest however they go most places traditional e-skateboards cannot. EUC’s are really the only category that outperforms a Onewheel in off-road settings.
Visit my post on how long a Onewheel will last. If the battery has been properly maintained, a One wheel can easily last over 5 years. Onewheel GT is not an exception to this.
XR Onewheels were discontinued in August of 2022. There is still a vibrant aftermarket for XR’s due to the ability of modifying them and also due to VESC. If you do not anticipate modifying or customizing your Onewheel, consider the XR obsolete. Consider a GT instead as this is the new flahship model.
You cannot really set a limit however on the Onewheel there are digital shaping modes. Some (such as Bay shaping for the Onewheel GT) have a lower mph setting. Even if the speed limit is dialed down, the rider can still push beyond that by riding through pushback which could result in injury. Essentially, even though the lower digital shaping modes set a lower speed limit, it does not prevent the rider from injury as pushback just occurs sooner.
Several riders have joined the over-30 club exceeding 30mph on a Onewheel GT. This is not advised as you need to ride through push back to achieve this. Riding through push back dramatically increases your risk to injury. Nose diving is likely.
Onewheel GT is equipped with a 525Wh LiNiMnCoO2 battery. Visit Onewheel GT Specifications for more specs and details.
Speaking form a Future Motion manufacturer issued Onewheel, the Onewheel GT is the best available. JWXR and CBXR Onewheels are modified XR’s that can outperform a GT. Floatwheel has a VESC board that outperforms the GT however it technically is not a Onewheel (Onewheel is trademark to Future Motion).
This can be done via the app by swiping through the digital shaping options. There is also a hack to changing modes by laying the board on its side and using the footpad sensors to rotate through the shaping settings.
‘Simplestop’ is a way to dismount from the Onewheel in a safe fashion. Most injuries that do occur from Onewheels is dismounting. Simplestop is a setting available on Onewheel GT, Pint and Pint X that disables the reverse feature of the Onewheel and disengages the motor. This allows the rider to safely dismount without learning a heel-lift of quick stop technique.
Treaded tire options are an additional $50 over the slick tire option. The stock treaded tire is okay. If however you want an aftermarket tire, save the $50 and get a slick to do the swap out. As of now, the Enduro and GOAT are available for the Onewheel GT.
The CSPC Onewheel announcement concerned prospective riders however the GT is no more dangerous than the other Onewheel models.
Onewheel accidents are common when riders do not adhere to the limits of the board or respect pushback. To avoid your one wheel crash, learn the limitations of the board and gain experience before pushing the limits. Onewheel electric skateboards can be ridden in a safe manner. Always remember to wear a helmet an other safety gear. One wheel, hoverboards all demand the respect for safety. Whether a one wheel, scooter or hoverboard, injury is drastically mitigated with proper safety gear