The realm of personal transportation is on the cusp of a major transformation, driven by the advent of groundbreaking technologies and the growing demand for sustainable and efficient...
The self balancing electric skateboard as we now affectionally refer to as "Onewheel" has made massive leaps in performance gains. The world of personal transportation has seen remarkable innovations...
If you are a an avid trail rider, you are likely very familiar with the 'Wheelslip Detected' notifications you get within your Onewheel App. These are often accompanied with a wheel skidding sound...
I left my modified XR in 2021 for the GT in late 2021. Since then, I had sold my modified Onewheel XR and solely ride my GT. I love my GT. Riding the GT is a notable gain over the XR that really...
Floatwheel ADV's start at $1,599USD whereas a Onewheel GTS cost $3,200USD. For 100% more cost, is the Onewheel GT S-Series worth it. If you are willing to purchase an ADV using crypto USDC for a very...
The Onewheel GT and GT S-Series (I affectionately call the Onewheel GTS) share the same profile however within the GT S-Series, there are major improvements that go beyond the tiffany blue coloring...