Aftermarket GT Bumpers – Bash by Land Surf

Filling in the aftermarket bumper void, Land Surf has announced the first aftermarket bumper for Onewheel GT. This is a space typically dominated by B.A.N.G. bumpers by Float Life. Land Surf clearly is no stranger to the game being the creator of Fang Bumpers.

Bash Bumpers are the first available aftermarket bumpers for Onewheel GT. These are thick molded plastic bumpers to protect the Onewheel while offering a smooth surface for grinds and slides. Currently they are available in six different colors.

Introducing Bash

bash bumper colors

Onewheel GT has a new option for Aftermarket Bumpers. Coming in with six different colors, Land Surf has made their first Fang-free bumper. These are similar and yet different from BANG Bumpers. As we are all well aware, as of yet, B.A.N.G. bumpers are currently not available for Onewheel GT. They did however dominate the XR game due to their thick and smooth feel (not to mention their iconic swirls and color designs).

Bash bumpers are molded from the same UHMW plastic as Fangs. Have you ever had one break on you? Not here! According to Land Surf, these will work with several aftermarket rails. Similar to B.A.N.G.S., these are intended to be used without float plates as they are so thick already, the battery and controller boxes are safe.

Deviating The Game With a Rounded Design

An entirely new concept to the bumper game is that Land Surf did not define an edge to the Bash Bumpers. This is interesting as in the Onewheel space, we are always concerned with clearance. The clearance of the bumper.

With no real edge to define the bumper, its as though there is no real edge to catch. Instead, it looks like these slippery bumpers will slip you upright when your on in that space between the side and underside of the Onewheel.

It will be interesting to see how riders react to this style bumper. The concept is great. There is still an ample flat surface for nose and tail slides. The plastic looks as smooth and sleek as B.A.N.G.S. and it also looks tough as can be.

I imagine trail riding and hitting an object on the path and these just slide over it since there isn’t much edge to catch. Currently they are pre order only. They do offer a rear only bumper which I assume its so that you can rock a Fang bumper in the front. Single bumper is $64.95, the set is $119.95

Will Bash Cash in?

During the last production year of the the Onewheel XR, you’d be hard-pressed to not see at least a couple Onewheels with B.A.N.G. bumpers on them. Float Life had created a very sleek looking bumper that could in a mild way recover a nose dive due to its super “buttery” feel. No wheels needed – no fangs needed. I think Land Surf recognized this and has revamped their bumper to exclude the fangs and provide all that B.A.N.G.S. have to offer, smooth surface and tough as nails protection.

Bash bumpers for the Onewheel GT is another line if you dont want to go with their Fang bumper line. With the curved base, this is definitely innovative. Onewheel aftermarket continues to evolve the sport. Will Float Life revamp their B.A.N.G. bumpers when (or if) its comes out for the GT? Until then, Bash bumpers are going to cash in on the space.

David Bank

David Bank - Onewheel Enthusiast and has been an avid Onewheel rider since 2020. With thousands of miles logged on various Onewheel models and builds, David has a deep understanding of the mechanics, safety protocols, and the joy of Onewheel riding. He has been featured in Onewheel community events and has contributed articles to leading Onewheel forums and PEV communities. David also runs a YouTube channel where he shares tips, reviews, and tutorials related to Onewheel.

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